Marine Service Technology
The Marine Service Technology program is the only program in the United States to have earned the Marine Industry Certification. Marine Service Technology is organized to provide classroom and lab experiences to prepare students for employment in the boating industry. Students completing the two year program will earn their MIC certification. Instruction covers many facets of the industry including outboard and stern drive engine repair, repair and testing of stern drive lower units, steering mechanisms, hull repair and detailing, trailer adjustments, winterizing of engines, boat handling and safety of operation, trouble shooting mechanical and electrical problems, customer relations, EFI troubleshooting and more. Students are eligible to earn entry level certifications from Evinrude/BRP, Mercury, and Yamaha.

Students may enroll in the Marine Service Technology for two years beginning in their junior year. No prerequisites are required for this program. Six to twelve high school credits may be earned by participating in the class.
Dual Credit / Articulation
Traditional dual credit is not available in this program. Students may take advantage of articulation agreements or testing out of post-secondary curriculum at schools such as Marine Mechanics Institute (MMI) or Wyotech.
Students need to contact their Guidance Counselor for an application.
Students will pay for parts and supplies which were used to repair their own boat or related equipment.
Shop Shirt $20
Personal Yamaha book $100 (classroom book provided)